legal consequences of drinking and driving

Lifetime Legal Consequences of Drinking and Driving

It’s no secret that alcohol abuse and addiction can lead to a long list of serious problems. One of the most significant issues is when individuals abuse alcohol and then get behind the wheel of a car. Drinking and driving can lead to accidents and fatalities, but it can also lead to legal concerns. Take…

are synthetic cannabinoids legal

Are Synthetic Cannabinoids Legal?

The one class of drugs that confuse most people today, even those abusing them, is synthetic cannabinoids. These drugs came into the US in the mid-2000s and have skirted the laws ever since. Unfortunately, most of these drugs remain one step ahead of state and federal regulations. They come from China without a precise recipe,…

living with bipolar disorder

Is Your Son Living with Bipolar Disorder and Addiction?

Raising healthy children into adulthood is difficult. But even more difficult is raising a son with bipolar disorder and addiction. Whether your son is living with you or maintains independence in living with bipolar disorder, you have the influence to help him gain the treatment he needs. A better life is out there. He only…

woman hugging pillow struggling with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

When people first stop using drugs, they typically experience withdrawal for the first few days to two weeks. For some, the symptoms end after this acute period. Many others, however, continue to feel the effects because of post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). It’s important for people to know what to expect in case they experience it…

nutrition and addiction recovery

Nutrition and Addiction Recovery at Beaches Recovery

Long-term drug or alcohol use negatively impacts your health in many ways. Of course, we know addiction affects organs, stress, mood, sleep, and relationships. However, you may overlook how addiction changes your diet and health. For example, stimulants like cocaine often suppress hunger to the point of severe weight loss. Similarly, opioids like Vicodin slow down…

how long does it take to detox from heroin

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Heroin?

Heroin addiction is one of the toughest to break. In the first place, heroin is a potent opioid made from morphine that rapidly enters the brain after injection or snorting. Thereupon, the drug creates a pleasurable “rush” people eventually can’t live without. Ultimately, heroin users’ bodies become reliant and keep needing larger amounts to feel…

dbt vs cbt

Is There a Difference Between DBT vs. CBT?

Addiction treatment involves various therapies. Specialists in this field understand the importance of taking the right therapeutic approach to each client. Regarding behavioral therapy, many people might consider the differences in DBT vs. CBT. These two therapies share some similarities, but the ways they differ make them most appropriate for specific situations.Negative Thoughts Can Turn…

dating someone in drug addiction recovery

How to Deal With Dating Someone in Drug Addiction Recovery

Are you dating someone in drug addiction recovery? Were you there during the bad times? Most importantly, are you sober, too? Here are some thoughts on how to maintain your relationship.Dating Someone in Drug Addiction Recovery Brings ChallengesYou suddenly feel guilty every time you think of having a drink. Rather than enjoying a beer, you…

how long do delirium tremens last

How Long Do Delirium Tremens Last?

When you break free from alcohol addiction, there can be withdrawal symptoms along the way. One symptom is known as DTs, or delirium tremens. As one of the most worrying symptoms of withdrawal, DTs receive a lot of attention. Take a closer look at what the DTs really are and get the answer to the…

do I drink too much

Do I Drink Too Much?

People like to believe that determining if someone is an alcoholic is subjective. Unfortunately, that’s far from reality. Over the years, the addiction treatment community has been able to come up with some substantial criteria for measuring alcoholism. Even Alcoholics Anonymous has 20 questions that are pretty good at exposing potential drinking problems. If you…