tired worker is a functioning alcoholic

Why Does a Functioning Alcoholic Need Treatment?

While a functioning alcoholic may feel like their addiction is not a problem, they often are unaware of how alcohol affects their life. From long-term health problems to issues at home, alcoholism can cause severe repercussions in an individual’s life. The only way to prevent these problems from happening is to get treatment and stay…

woman holding glass of wine dealing with abuse of alcohol and pregnancy

Alcoholism and Pregnancy

Alcohol and pregnancy is a very dangerous combination. Those who have alcohol addiction are already experiencing a life-changing situation in which their body is dependent on alcohol to function. When you become pregnant, those complications grow. Expectant mothers may feel overwhelmed in wanting to minimize risk to their child but also unable to simply avoid…

man in pain rubbing temples wondering how does alcohol affect the brain

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?

There is no question that drinking too much alcohol is bad for the human body in many ways. This extends to how alcohol affects the brain and what trouble alcohol gets people into.Alcohol’s effects on the brain lead to a downward spiral of destruction to the individual’s health, family relationships, and career. However, an alcohol…

man at a bar staring into glass of alcohol wondering Am I An Alcoholic

Am I An Alcoholic?

If you’re questioning whether you’re an alcoholic or not, it may be a sign that your drinking has reached an unhealthy level. So how do you know for sure if you are an alcoholic?Today’s movies and TV shows would have you believe that people with alcohol problems are easy to spot. They’re often portrayed as…

young woman looking out rainy window wondering is addiction a disease

Is Addiction a Disease or Not?

When beginning the recovery process, one of the things those struggling with addiction first wonder is the question, is addiction a disease? While there are some people who continue to say that willpower and quitting cold turkey are the only options, the real answer is that addiction is a complex disease. It affects the mind…

family in circle holding hands learning how to detox from alcohol

How to Detox from Alcohol

Have you unsuccessfully tried to stop abusing alcohol? Do you want to get sober, but always get pulled back into the cycle of abuse when the withdrawal symptoms appear? The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be quite challenging to overcome. Once you know how to detox from alcohol in a safe and effective manner, you…

woman holding her sick husband thinking my husband drinks too much

My Husband Drinks Too Much

Are you married to a man who drinks too much? Do you feel torn between wanting to help him and wanting to leave him because of the damage that his addiction has done to your relationship? If so, you should know you are not alone in your struggle. There are millions of women living in…