A man wondering, "What is sobriety?"

Understanding Sobriety and What It Means

The goal of all addiction recovery is sobriety. Yet this can look different for each person as every individual in recovery has to determine their own path towards healing. So, what is the definition of sobriety? Many people think sobriety means total abstinence from using drugs or alcohol. Others believe in control and moderation. Because…

A woman working to avoid triggers in recovery

How to Avoid Triggers in Recovery

Recovery from addiction is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort. It’s not something that happens overnight. This journey involves several stages, each demanding different levels of commitment and resilience. Maintaining sobriety means continuously working on oneself, understanding the various aspects of addiction, and implementing strategies to prevent relapse. The best way to achieve…

A man enjoying natural highs

The Best Natural Highs to Help Ditch Drugs and Alcohol

In the quest for recovery from addiction, finding healthy and sustainable ways to feel good is crucial. A natural high, unlike artificial stimulants or depressants, comes from activities or experiences that elicit genuine joy and excitement without the negative consequences associated with drug and alcohol use. Let’s take a closer look at the essence of…

A woman who wants to know how to stop smoking weed

How Can I Stop Smoking Weed?

Smoking weed is becoming more prevalent in our society today. With some states now passing laws to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, its potential for addiction rises with it. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that approximately 30% of marijuana users develop some disorder or addiction. That’s why people who use it need…

Man experiencing the signs of a drinking problem

What are the Signs of a Drinking Problem?

If you are having difficulty controlling your drinking, you may be wondering what are the signs of a drinking problem? Having problems quitting drinking on your own is a sign that you may have a drinking problem. However, it isn’t the only indication you may struggle with alcohol addiction. To better understanding what are the…

Man enjoying the benefits of sobriety

What Are the Benefits of Sobriety?

When lost in addiction, most people forget how a healthy life feels. They spend their days and nights treading water while life goes on around them. Little do they know, getting treatment is the best thing that will ever happen to them. However, they still need to proceed with caution. Completing detox and rehab is…

Man looking in mirror and thinking about street names for drugs

Are There Street Names For Drugs?

Whatever they are called, illicit drugs are hazardous. Often, it is hard to know that a loved one is using drugs. That’s because the street names for drugs can be unusual and intentionally confusing. By recognizing the street names for various substances, you can better understand and treat drug use or addiction.Learn more about drug…

Man asking how to get off Suboxone

How Long Does It Take To Get Off Suboxone?

It can come as quite a shock when the medication for addiction becomes the source of a new addiction. This is common for patients who are using Suboxone. Addiction treatment healthcare professionals prescribe Suboxone to help patients with an addiction to opioids. When addiction to the Suboxone forms, people need to know how to get…

Man showing crack addiction behavior

Common Signs of Crack Addiction Behavior

Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine. Adding in extra ingredients and letting the substance crystallize, crack makers can create an illegal substance that causes sudden and severe addiction causing individuals to behave in ways they would not normally. When addiction sets in, the typical crack addiction behavior becomes erratic, impulsive, and dangerous. The…