a woman hugging her daughter as they discuss examples of recovery group topics in a a group setting

What Topics are Discussed in Group Therapy?

Group therapy is a significant aspect of the addiction recovery process. Group therapy can give clients the chance to learn from their peers, and it’s an excellent way to build communication skills. Many different recovery group topics can be discussed during a group therapy program.A Sampling of Recovery Group TopicsThe following examples of addiction recovery…

A man thinking about THC pills

Are THC Pills Dangerous?

Throughout the country, states are dealing with the pros and cons related to the legalization of marijuana. While the medicinal benefits of weed seem harmless enough, it still contains THC. For people who don’t want to smoke medical marijuana, THC in pill form is another option. Also, they provide a more predictable dose than other…

A person asking a staff member, "How much does drug rehab cost?"

What’s the Average Cost of Drug Rehab?

Although drug rehab is a necessity for those who want to end addiction, there are plenty of reasons to avoid or postpone treatment. Sadly, the cost of treatment is one reason why prospective clients don’t get the help they need. One question is asked again and again: how much does drug rehab cost? Take a…

Woman experiencing the stages of drug addiction

What Are the Stages of a Drug Addiction?

A substance use disorder isn’t something you planned on developing. However, you can’t say that you didn’t see it coming either. There are stages of drug addiction. In retrospect, they’re quite clear.Do you want to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction? If so, call us today at 866.605.0532.Trying Something NewMany don’t realize that the…

Man showing crack addiction behavior

Common Signs of Crack Addiction Behavior

Crack is a highly addictive form of cocaine. Adding in extra ingredients and letting the substance crystallize, crack makers can create an illegal substance that causes sudden and severe addiction causing individuals to behave in ways they would not normally. When addiction sets in, the typical crack addiction behavior becomes erratic, impulsive, and dangerous. The…

Man wondering, "What is meth mouth?"

What is Meth Mouth?

It’s no secret that illicit drug users face a broad array of side effects. Many of these side effects are physical health issues and are difficult to hide. Individuals struggling with a substance use disorder are aware of the stigma of such signs of their drug or alcohol abuse. Sallow skin, dark circles under the…

Man thinking about types of amphetamines

What Are Types of Amphetamines?

As you may know, there are many types of amphetamines. All of these drugs raise your blood pressure and heart rate. They also all constrict blood vessels and increase your body temperature, initiating your natural “fight or flight” response. Worst of all, amphetamines cause tolerance, physical dependence, and addiction.Do you need to know more about…

woman holding forehead getting dope sick

What are the Signs of Being Dope Sick?

When dealing with substance addiction, it’s important to learn the terminology. It’s not uncommon for people to refer to certain drugs or conditions in some different ways. For instance, marijuana goes by several different street names—weed, pot, bud and Mary Jane. Dope sick is a term that has been around for years. People may not…