Veteran thinking about coping strategies for veterans with PTSD

10 Effective Coping Strategies for Veterans with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an incredibly common condition among veterans, affecting nearly a third of veterans who have served in combat. PTSD can significantly impact daily life, relationships, and the ability of veterans to function in society. However, there are many coping strategies available that can help veterans with PTSD manage their symptoms and…

A veteran and a therapist discuss symptoms of PTSD in veterans

Symptoms of PTSD in Veterans & Emerging Treatment in 2024

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a significant challenge for veterans. This condition, often resulting from the trauma of combat, can severely impact daily life. Understanding the symptoms of PTSD in veterans and emerging treatments is crucial for effective management and recovery. As we move closer to the end of the year, it’s essential to explore…

A combat veteran talks to a therapist.

What Is a Combat Veteran and What Are Their Struggles?

Combat veterans face challenges, both in service and afterwards. Some individuals aren’t fully prepared for what greets them when they return home. As a result, far too many fall into addiction. When that happens, it’s important to consider professional treatment. To learn more about veteran’s rehab in Jacksonville, Florida, call us today at 866.605.0532.What Is…

Image symbolizing how to help someone with PTSD from war

How to Help Someone With PTSD From War

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant concern among veterans, affecting a considerable number of individuals who have experienced the horrors of war. Are you wondering how to help someone with PTSD from war? Remember that supporting someone with PTSD involves understanding their condition, offering a listening ear, and encouraging them to seek professional help.To…

A man thinking about what to say instead of, "Thank you for your service"

What to Say Instead of, “Thank You for Your Service”

The transition from military to civilian life is a complex process. Veterans face challenges such as securing employment, integrating back into family life, and adapting to a less structured environment. These obstacles can contribute to mental health issues like depression and PTSD. The lack of a clear support system exacerbates these problems, making the adjustment…

A group of veterans in inpatient rehab for veterans

Choosing the Right Inpatient Rehab for Veterans

Veterans face unique challenges that make them more susceptible to substance abuse. The high-stress environments they experience during service, including combat exposure and the potential for traumatic brain injuries, can lead to conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. These mental health issues often drive veterans to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Additionally, the transition…

A veteran asking, "What type of insurance do most veterans have?"

What Type of Insurance Do Most Veterans Have?

The unfortunate connection between military service and subsequent addiction issues presents an alarming concern that requires urgent attention. Veterans, having served their country, often return home bearing not just the physical scars of their service but psychological ones as well. The harsh realities of combat and the difficulties in re-adjusting to civilian life can lead…

Woman experiencing trauma-induced schizophrenia

Trauma-Induced Schizophrenia

More and more research and clinical data indicate that unresolved trauma is frequently a root cause of substance use disorders (SUD) and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and schizophrenia. A general definition of trauma is that it is the response to events that threaten a person’s sense of safety. Traumatic events ignite…

Two people looking over paperwork and wondering, "What is the VA CCN?"

What Is the VA CCN?

Our nation’s veterans deserve access to quality healthcare, including treatment for substance use disorders (SUD) and mental health issues, which are prevalent in the veteran population. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides many benefits. However, there is a lack of providers specializing in veterans care. In addition, VA facilities often have long wait times,…

A veteran and a therapist discuss mental health in the military

Mental Health in the Military

Veterans and active-duty military personnel face challenges that most civilians cannot fully understand. Frequent deployments, combat duty, living in war zones, family separation, frequent relocations, the pressure to always be performing at the highest level, and the difficulties of reintegration into civilian life are physically, emotionally, and mentally demanding. With all of this, it is…