heroin withdrawal timeline

A Look at the Heroin Withdrawal Timeline

If you have an addiction to heroin and want to stop, you’ll need to face the inevitability of withdrawal. There’s an excellent chance your body is going to react to sudden abstinence. We understand how scary heroin withdrawal symptoms can be. Perhaps, a little knowledge about withdrawal and the normal heroin withdrawal timeline will help…

long term effects of crystal meth

What are the Long Term Effects of Crystal Meth

With an absolute focus on now, a majority of crystal meth addicts forget to consider long-term consequences from crystal meth drug abuse. The euphoria they get seems to be enough until the next hit. Unfortunately, the potential long term effects of crystal meth can be quite dangerous. Setting aside addiction for a moment, the possible…

falling off the wagon

What to Do After Falling Off the Wagon

You worked so hard to overcome a drug or alcohol habit. Then, something happened and you fell back into old habits. However, did you know that falling off the wagon is a valuable learning experience? Here’s how you can profit from it.What Falling off the Wagon Tells YouThere are stresses and triggers that you didn’t…

ghb drug effects

How to Recognize GHB Drug Effects

Many people experience GHB drug effects without realizing they used the Schedule I drug. Others purposefully abuse this substance commonly called a “date rape drug,” too. Although its natural form is an important brain chemical, manufactured GHB is both addictive and highly dangerous.According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), GHB has no medicinal uses. It…

Pills and alcohol on a table during National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

Once again, America finds itself facing another drug addiction epidemic. As usual, the nation’s teens would seem to be the most vulnerable to what’s taking place from shore-to-shore. Unfortunately, kids are operating under a series of myths about drug and alcohol addiction. That’s precisely why the nation observes National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW)…

chronic pain and addiction

Fight Chronic Pain and Addiction

What happens if someone suffers from chronic pain and then becomes addicted to their painkillers? That’s a notable internal conflict with which many people have to deal. To successfully navigate the use of painkillers while treating pain issues, it becomes a balancing act. The doctor prescribes the right dosage and hopes the patient follows the…

due rehab instead of jail

Best Bet is DUI Rehab Instead of Jail

For good reasons, the nation’s laws regarding drunk driving are among the most stringent in the world. When someone makes a habit of driving while drunk, they will eventually face the consequences when caught. In many cases, those consequences result in jail time. However, some jurisdictions and judges are willing to use discretion and offer…

how to have fun sober

How to Have Fun Sober

For years, relaxing and having fun revolved around drinking and doing drugs. Everybody did it. Now, you want to quit. Would you know how to have fun sober?Looking Past the Drinking CultureAlcohol is a common drug that you find at almost all enjoyable pastimes. Conventional wisdom tells you to stay out of a bar if…

northeast Florida drug rehab centers

Great Northeast Florida Drug Rehab Centers

Millions of people in the United States suffer from different levels of substance use disorder. However, only a fraction of them get help. Some of them hesitate because they don’t know where to begin the search for treatment. Fortunately, Northeast Florida drug rehab centers can offer everything that you need.Why You Should Choose Northeast Florida…
