effects of ecstasy

Yes, There Are Dangerous Effects of Ecstasy

Ecstasy has remained a favorite drug on the party scene for decades. Young adults perceive it as safe. However, the dangerous effects of ecstasy include adverse health issues, overdose, and even death. Learning about these risks may convince users to seek help to quit.Short-Term Ecstasy Side EffectsAbout 15 to 30 minutes after people take ecstasy,…

what is holistic treatment

What is Holistic Treatment?

Recovery from drug abuse isn’t a single-lane highway. Multiple methods lead to sobriety. However, they should all include holistic and evidence-based treatments. What is holistic treatment and how does it benefit you?Understanding the TerminologyEvidence-based practice refers to modalities that have shown effectiveness in treating addiction. For example, there’s plenty of evidence that psychotherapy helps people…

cbt definition

Know the CBT Definition and Get Help

CBT is one of the most effective and common ways to treat addiction. But what is CBT, exactly? Understanding the CBT definition can explain what this therapy is, why it works and why it should be a part of nearly every client’s rehab plan. Learn more about CBT and its benefits below.What is the Exact…

effects of mdma

What Are the Effects of MDMA?

MDMA is a drug with both tranquilizing and stimulating properties. Most people know it as ecstasy, but other names for it include beans, hug, X, and XTC. Teens and adults may use this drug recreationally by swallowing pills, snorting the powder or injecting diluted powder. Many of them don’t realize that the effects of MDMA…

prevent relapse

How to Prevent Relapse

Addiction is a disease, and maintaining sobriety requires constant support and management. Relapse can happen even among people who complete extended rehab programs. However, there are several ways that they can prevent relapse. At the very least, having a plan can help those who relapse get back on track.Understand the Stages of RelapseRelapse doesn’t occur…

what is partial hospitalization

What Is Partial Hospitalization?

Deciding to seek addiction help isn’t easy and takes courage. However, it’s only the beginning of a long road that involves choosing an appropriate treatment program. Making this next decision can overwhelm and confuse people who aren’t familiar with the options. After a quick online search, “What is partial hospitalization?” is a question that arises…

drug addiction rehabilitation

Detox and Drug Addiction Rehabilitation

Your drug or alcohol abuse is out of control. You need drug addiction rehabilitation now. Do you know how to go about getting the assistance you need? It all starts with detoxification.Detoxification is the First Step on the Road to RecoveryDetox breaks the physical dependence on a drug. In the process, your body regains equilibrium.…

drug intervention specialist

When Do You Need a Drug Intervention Specialist?

An intervention enables people to come together to convince their loved one to enter addiction treatment. An intervention specialist plans interventions. They also help you conduct your intervention meeting. But when do you need a drug intervention specialist?You Need a Drug Intervention SpecialistYou need a drug intervention specialist when your loved one refuses the treatment…

psychotherapy vs counseling

The Difference Between Psychotherapy vs Counseling

People often mix up psychotherapy vs counseling. The two terms have similar meanings, but these mental health services offer some differences. So what are the differences? Which of the two services best suit your needs?What is Counseling?Counseling is a series of conversations between you and your counselor during talk therapy sessions. Counseling sessions deal with…

symptoms of vicodin abuse

Clear Symptoms of Vicodin Abuse

Knowing the symptoms of Vicodin abuse can be vital if you are concerned about a loved one or even yourself. Vicodin abuse is more common than you may think. Those who are struggling will naturally try to hide that they are abusing this drug. As a family member or friend, it could be up to…