example of oxycontin and oxycodone

Oxycontin vs Oxycodone: What’s the Difference?

Opioid painkillers are extremely effective in helping individuals manage pain. However, because they are so potent, addiction is something individuals need to be aware of. Opiate-based drugs like heroin, Oxycontin, and other oxycodone-based painkillers can be dangerous for recreational drug use. Many people conflate oxycontin and oxycodone, but what is the difference between Oxycontin vs.…

prescription painkiller bottles and pills to make you question the symptoms of painkiller addiction

What are the Symptoms of Painkiller Addiction?

Many Americans depend on prescription painkillers to relieve discomfort from injuries, surgery, and chronic conditions. However, 52 million people in the US admit to non-medical painkiller use. Painkiller addiction isn’t always as apparent as other forms of drug abuse, but there are clear symptoms of painkiller addiction. If a friend or family member starts showing…

oxycodone withdrawal symptoms

Are You Struggling With Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms?

Painkiller withdrawal is tough. Just like heroin and morphine, oxycodone withdrawal symptoms can be painful. Therefore, enlisting the help of a medical detox facility is key to success. Here’s what you need to know.What Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms Can You Expect?When you decide to quit using the drug, the severity of oxycodone withdrawal symptoms depends on…