woman deals with xanax side effects

Xanax Side Effects

Xanax is a prescription medication that is most commonly used to treat anxiety-related disorders. Xanax is also one of the most prescribed medications in the United States. Although Xanax effectively treats symptoms related to generalized anxiety disorders and panic disorders, it is prone to abuse. Xanax addiction has become more prevalent, caused by Xanax’s widespread…

woman on couch with head in her hand from Side Effects of Xanax abuse

What are the Side Effects of Xanax Abuse?

Doctors often prescribe Xanax for patients with anxiety or panic disorders. For the most part, the prescription drug has proven to be very effective for these types of issues. However, Xanax has properties that make it very attractive to people who are looking for a high. One of the so-call desirable side effects of Xanax…